Bugs that have been re-activated since rolling back:
- Observations: Unable to Create Vitals
- Unable to submit patient claim where patient and claimant have different Medicare No's due to 9606 response
- End date in the Clinical Action Filters inside the patient record automatically changing to 01/01/1970
- Unable to accept claims - Partially Paid Claims
- When selecting Postcode 4385, selecting either "Texas" value in the City/Suburb field will always resolve to NSW instead of Queensland.
Users then have to select the alternative "Texas" entry for QLD.
- Patient View for Medical conditions not loading- getting an oops error
- Medical-Objects Outbound stuck in Pending
- Navigating from one user's configuration page to another shows the original user in the Appointment Provider Filter field instead of the
correct user until you press F5 to refresh the page.